African Nova Scotian Justice Institute Mandate
To address issues of systemic racism in the justice system that negatively impact African Nova Scotians while ensuring fair, legal, and constitutional treatment of all African Nova Scotian community members.
ANSJI will serve as a justice-focused organization that is both proactive and reactive in its response to the pervasive institutional racism experienced by people of African descent in their interactions with policing, the courts, prison, and related systems.
Taking on legal cases, providing court support, and creating unique legal education opportunities for African Nova Scotians are just a few initiatives planned for ANSJI.
ANSJI has limited capacity with respect to service delivery for individual client representation on legal matters.
As a result, ANSJI is currently not taking any Adult Criminal Cases at this time.
Impact of Race and Culture Assessments™ (IRCA™)
Impact of Race and Culture Assessments™ (IRCAs™) are comprehensive pre-sentencing reports prepared for judges, to aid in sentencing decisions for African Nova Scotians and Black people of African descent involved in the criminal justice system.​​​
An IRCA™ examines the impact that systemic anti-Black racism has on an individual.​​
In 2021, the Government of Canada supported the implementation of IRCA™ infrastructure in each province and territory through funding agreements. ​